
ООО Оптимумсофт

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Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет


ООО Оптимумсофт

Optimum Software is an international technology company with headquarters in Hong Kong and regional offices located in Russian Federation. We offer a comprehensive work environment that elevates employees well being, providing necessary tools to achieve outstanding results.

We’re committed to creating a mission-driven, positive culture of improvement, made up of the best and brightest people in the business. 

About Subscribr:

Subscribr. Is an international startup company created by Optimum Software Limited. The core product is a cross-platform application that provides Digital Identity management tools and subscription marketplace.

Digital Identity Platform - a complete solution to manage all user digital accounts and subscription services within one application.

Subscription Marketplace - Collection of subscription services to enhance and fulfill daily life experience of the users.

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